
***Stance on the Second Amendment & Constitution***
-Take a"Constitutional Position" on issues during any vote

-Bring "Constitutional Carry" to West Virginia and eliminate unreasonable fees associated with the Concealed Carry Permit process. 

-Protect the right and ability to "Open Carry" of firearms statewide.

-Eliminate as many "Gun Free Zones" statewide as possible

-Protect the 2nd Amendment at a State Level and at a Federal Level under the 10th Amendment

- Work to Eliminate the law (HB 2513), that allows blood to be taken by law enforcement without a warrant and protect the 4th Amendment of the Constitution.

***Economy and Jobs***
***Energy and Coal***
***Education and Family***
- Eliminate waste in the state budget

- Bring in an era of "Fiscal Conservatism" to the Legislature

- Lower the "Gasoline Tax" to keep us competitive with neighboring states

- Lower individual taxes , especially during these tough economic times

- Work on ways to entice businesses to come to West Virginia and bring jobs with them

- Fight against "Cap and Trade" that would raise energy prices of hard working families.

- Support legislation that would "Nullify Obamacare" in West Virginia
- Work to give people more of a choice in educating their children through a voucher program

- Help to strengthen the family's role in education by assisting those who home school

- Fight against any "Core Curriculum Standards" , West Virginians know how to educate our children , not a federal bureaucracy

- Have greater over-site of the statewide public school systems , and make them more accountable for their funding and their curriculum

- A Pro-Life candidate that supports the "Pain Capable Unborn Child Act"
- Supporting the coal industry and the coal workers, who bring energy and jobs to the state

- Greater support to those who exercise the American belief of "Rugged Individualism" by utilizing Solar or Wind Power

- Lower gasoline tax to lower burden to West Virginia drivers

Information on How to Vote and Where to Vote in West Virginia:

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